Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What I Learned Today #2 - (Listen to Older Folks)

This summer, I'm painting a house for an octogenarian woman (named Emma) in my parents' neighborhood. She is a fixture in the community, and she knows local history like nobody else around. Yes, she occasionally rambles on through her anecdotes, but she's fascinating to talk to.

While talking to me yesterday, Emma said something that not only stuck out, but really made me think. In fact, as I thought about what she was saying, I was considering writing this post. That, in turn, made me think about how many really intelligent things that people say to me that go in one ear and out the other. This led to what I learned today: really listen to people when they are talking to you; if they say something of quality, don't just note it, but try to use it.

So, what did she say? She was telling me the story of a man who did not have much intelligence but who found a job maintaining the carts at his local grocery stores. He cleaned, oiled, and repaired the carts, and Emma claimed that there were never better carts at any other store she's visited. As the man aged and eventually passed away, people questioned his sister about how much of a burden it was to take care of someone who she knew would never amount to anything. The sister's response? "My brother's life was a success. You're only a failure if you don't make the most of the opportunities that you're given."

Am I "cleaning the carts" the best that I can? Do I maximize every opportunity? I'm going to admit that I'm don't. But I'm working on it, and I'm going to keep this story in mind as I try to do my best each day as an educator. I'll also remember that I wouldn't even be thinking about this if I hadn't taken a moment to listen to and reflect on the words of a dear old lady.

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